Friday, May 31, 2019

education quality :: essays research papers

Why focus on quality?Although some of the international treaties,by specifying the need to yield education onhuman rights, reproductive health, sports andgender aw beness, touched on educationalquality,2 they were generally silent about howwell education systems could and should be evaluate to perform in meeting these objectives.This remained true as recently as 2000, when theUnited Nations Millennium Declarationscommitment to achieve UPE by 2015 was instantaneouslyand simply set out without explicit referenceto quality (see Box 1.1). Thus, in placing theemphasis upon assuring access for all, theseinstruments mainly focused on the numericaspects of education policy.It seems highly likely, however, that theachievement of universal participation ineducation will be fundamentally dependent uponthe quality of education available. For example,how well pupils are taught and how much theylearn, can have a crucial impact on how longthey stay in school and how regularly they attend.Furthe r more(prenominal), whether parents send theirchildren to school at all is likely to depend onjudgements they make about the quality ofteaching and learning provided upon whetherattending school is worth the time and cost fortheir children and for themselves. The implemental roles of schooling helpingindividuals achieve their own economic andsocial and cultural objectives and helping societyto be better protected, better served byits leaders and more equitable in important ways will be strengthened if education is of higherquality.3 Schooling helps children developcreatively and emotionally and acquire the skills,knowledge, determine and attitudes necessary forresponsible, active and productive citizenship.How well education achieves these outcomes

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